Monday 16 February 2009

white on diplomacy

Chapter “Diplomacy” by Brian White concentrates on really important issues regarding to diplomacy and its role in contemporary world.Nowadays diplomacy has a key role in world politics especially in foreign policy it also helps to understand the nature of international relations, key actors of global stage and their behaviour.Diplomacy have been present in world politics since 2500 BC, it has roots in Elba Kingdom from where first diplomatic document was sent.Because of changing nature and role of international relations, diplomacy today has a different shape and form than the ancient one, but some core elements reminded this same.Both “new” and “old” diplomacy is organized by structure, process and agenda; however the slow “process of evolution” had changed the image of diplomacy. Its traditional form was secret and exclusive; concentrated on the high politics with involvement only two states, which in majority of examples were super powers. It played a crucial role in world politics till 19th century and was totally controlled by aristocracy, who was deciding about world order at that time. World War I showed need of new diplomacy which would keep some traditional elements, but was more open for public who could have right to decide about main issues. Creation of new type of diplomacy opened doors in many ways. Small countries had finally right to vote and express own opinions, Allowing non- state actors to get involved was a huge step forward. For the first time “low politics” issues: citizens, economics, found its position on international agenda.Events after World War II brought many challenges to diplomacy. In Cold War period environment, technology, arms control and international law emergened. The main issue was to avoid conflict where use of nuclear wapons was possible. Post- Cold War era gave beginning of global diplomacy with multiple actors and new issues involved.9/11 brought the biggest challenge to new diplomacy. It highlighted the importance of soft power in 21st century. Bush “war on terror” showed that super power sometimes is allowed to forget about language of diplomacy.