Wednesday 29 April 2009

I had a general knowledge of diplomacy from studying international relations, but it was limited and did not cover many issues.
This module gave me deep understanding of topic and explained its impact on world affairs.
I believe that the most important thing was to realise that diplomacy is an ongoing process that had been shaped during decades. Globalisation was probably the most curtail factor that influenced its whole form. Nowadays it is easy to follow diplomats steps on world stage because of constant media monitoring, before most of summits took a place behind a close doors far from public. Although the new diplomacy is dominating in the international system, the old form is still present.
The module showed perfectly the differences between all types of diplomacy and practices used while dealing with them.
Multilateral and bilateral diplomacy were completely new terms for me that I found now very useful while looking at current affairs. European Union is an excellent example that practice multilateral diplomacy while dealing with all 27 member states, however when negotiating with a key players like US, Japan or Russia it represents a whole Community and practice bilateral diplomacy. Public diplomacy was the bit that I enjoyed most. It gave the clear idea of soft power and reasons for exercising it.

I believe that the outcome of module had been fully meet. Thanks to blog we could exchange the views and get better knowledge of subject. Seminars were very interesting, especially that this time we could lead them and present from our point of view.
Although this module was running for the first time, I found it really well organised and interesting.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

The key differences between trade, security and environmental diplomacy.

The key difference between trade, security and environmental diplomacy lay in completely different diplomatic practices that are used together with involvement of various bodies. All of those topics are extremely important, for international relations; however they have a different place on global agenda. Globalisation seemed to be that force that pushed those issues on high position. Each type of diplomacy is important; however they are practicing in different ways.

Environmental diplomacy had appeared to world stage at the moment when scientists proved that there is a close relationship between climate change and human activity. It is very controversial issue, especially because require contribution of all countries, because it touches all of us. To be able to act effectively, governments have to contribute to global plans, not act passively. Ratification of Kyoto Protocol proved difficulties in reaching agreement while dealing with great number of actors and diversity of players. Key point of environmental policy is that nowadays NGOs and other actors are invited to summits where they can contribute to policymaking process.

Growing number of countries participating in trade system and issues around it gave high publicity to that area. After Second World War governments wanted to avoid the next great depression, started to actively participate in trade conferences. Development is seen as a primary goal in capitalist system where trade is absolutely necessary part of it. Number of players involved in that kind of diplomacy is high; however there have been key actors dictating international rules. Exclusive “club” G20 proved that only limited nations are involved in shaping economy. Trade summits involve often massive movements of protesters like the one that recently took place in London. That type of diplomacy involves favouring some states, playing games, just to ensure about own position and benefits.

Security diplomacy had been always present; however it emerged after 9/11 when terrorists brought a real challenge to whole globe. It is very diverse area especially because each government has different military capability and different goals. Security conferences usually take place behind close doors, so public is not able to receive exact in formations. Secrecy regarding to carried missions or operation has to be presents to prevent from media manipulations and failure.

Sunday 22 March 2009

Multilateral diplomacy has been present on international agenda since Ancient Greece; however since transnational actors joined global stage, its role had changed radically.
United Nations conferences gave the beginning of multilateral diplomacy which is now open not only for all states, but also for non-state actors. Conferences are finally open for whole range of topics and do not concentrate only on interstates relations.
Conferences have more beneficial meaning for states which can discuss common interest or identity, cultural relations. Low politics, technical issues, trade or regulations seemed to replace old diplomacy. Small nations have right to vote, to express opinion and insure about their position by negotiations. Weak states have a possibility to influence decisions by excreting concession from strong nations.
Thanks to multilateral conferences global issues can find place on international agenda. Not only heads of countries and diplomats are involvement in policymaking, but a whole range of other people. This creates some sort of policymaking scheme, which is very beneficial in global topics, where NGOs and experts can provide relevant information, diplomats reach verdict and leaders insure that treaty will be impose in each country. Issues like environment or terrorism needs international response to solve problems. None of the country acting alone can make any difference.
Multilateral diplomacy usually is open for public to ensure that citizens are aware of discussing topics and decisions regarding to them; however some conferences are taking a place behind a close doors to avoid public manipulation and influence by a third party.
Furthermore, new diplomacy brings many benefits, but it also faces many problems. International summits like G20 bring a huge publicity and of protesters. Because of high number of diplomats involved it is extremely difficult to reach a good agreement and usually states representations sign what is agreed, not necessary what is beneficial. Different opinions on conferences often bring hostility between states and can possibly cause future conflicts.
Multilateral diplomacy is seen as a response for a new world order and global actors within it. It enables states to involve in global dialogue and express own identity and without doubt creates a new era of diplomacy.

Monday 16 February 2009

white on diplomacy

Chapter “Diplomacy” by Brian White concentrates on really important issues regarding to diplomacy and its role in contemporary world.Nowadays diplomacy has a key role in world politics especially in foreign policy it also helps to understand the nature of international relations, key actors of global stage and their behaviour.Diplomacy have been present in world politics since 2500 BC, it has roots in Elba Kingdom from where first diplomatic document was sent.Because of changing nature and role of international relations, diplomacy today has a different shape and form than the ancient one, but some core elements reminded this same.Both “new” and “old” diplomacy is organized by structure, process and agenda; however the slow “process of evolution” had changed the image of diplomacy. Its traditional form was secret and exclusive; concentrated on the high politics with involvement only two states, which in majority of examples were super powers. It played a crucial role in world politics till 19th century and was totally controlled by aristocracy, who was deciding about world order at that time. World War I showed need of new diplomacy which would keep some traditional elements, but was more open for public who could have right to decide about main issues. Creation of new type of diplomacy opened doors in many ways. Small countries had finally right to vote and express own opinions, Allowing non- state actors to get involved was a huge step forward. For the first time “low politics” issues: citizens, economics, found its position on international agenda.Events after World War II brought many challenges to diplomacy. In Cold War period environment, technology, arms control and international law emergened. The main issue was to avoid conflict where use of nuclear wapons was possible. Post- Cold War era gave beginning of global diplomacy with multiple actors and new issues involved.9/11 brought the biggest challenge to new diplomacy. It highlighted the importance of soft power in 21st century. Bush “war on terror” showed that super power sometimes is allowed to forget about language of diplomacy.