Sunday 22 March 2009

Multilateral diplomacy has been present on international agenda since Ancient Greece; however since transnational actors joined global stage, its role had changed radically.
United Nations conferences gave the beginning of multilateral diplomacy which is now open not only for all states, but also for non-state actors. Conferences are finally open for whole range of topics and do not concentrate only on interstates relations.
Conferences have more beneficial meaning for states which can discuss common interest or identity, cultural relations. Low politics, technical issues, trade or regulations seemed to replace old diplomacy. Small nations have right to vote, to express opinion and insure about their position by negotiations. Weak states have a possibility to influence decisions by excreting concession from strong nations.
Thanks to multilateral conferences global issues can find place on international agenda. Not only heads of countries and diplomats are involvement in policymaking, but a whole range of other people. This creates some sort of policymaking scheme, which is very beneficial in global topics, where NGOs and experts can provide relevant information, diplomats reach verdict and leaders insure that treaty will be impose in each country. Issues like environment or terrorism needs international response to solve problems. None of the country acting alone can make any difference.
Multilateral diplomacy usually is open for public to ensure that citizens are aware of discussing topics and decisions regarding to them; however some conferences are taking a place behind a close doors to avoid public manipulation and influence by a third party.
Furthermore, new diplomacy brings many benefits, but it also faces many problems. International summits like G20 bring a huge publicity and of protesters. Because of high number of diplomats involved it is extremely difficult to reach a good agreement and usually states representations sign what is agreed, not necessary what is beneficial. Different opinions on conferences often bring hostility between states and can possibly cause future conflicts.
Multilateral diplomacy is seen as a response for a new world order and global actors within it. It enables states to involve in global dialogue and express own identity and without doubt creates a new era of diplomacy.

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