Tuesday 21 April 2009

The key differences between trade, security and environmental diplomacy.

The key difference between trade, security and environmental diplomacy lay in completely different diplomatic practices that are used together with involvement of various bodies. All of those topics are extremely important, for international relations; however they have a different place on global agenda. Globalisation seemed to be that force that pushed those issues on high position. Each type of diplomacy is important; however they are practicing in different ways.

Environmental diplomacy had appeared to world stage at the moment when scientists proved that there is a close relationship between climate change and human activity. It is very controversial issue, especially because require contribution of all countries, because it touches all of us. To be able to act effectively, governments have to contribute to global plans, not act passively. Ratification of Kyoto Protocol proved difficulties in reaching agreement while dealing with great number of actors and diversity of players. Key point of environmental policy is that nowadays NGOs and other actors are invited to summits where they can contribute to policymaking process.

Growing number of countries participating in trade system and issues around it gave high publicity to that area. After Second World War governments wanted to avoid the next great depression, started to actively participate in trade conferences. Development is seen as a primary goal in capitalist system where trade is absolutely necessary part of it. Number of players involved in that kind of diplomacy is high; however there have been key actors dictating international rules. Exclusive “club” G20 proved that only limited nations are involved in shaping economy. Trade summits involve often massive movements of protesters like the one that recently took place in London. That type of diplomacy involves favouring some states, playing games, just to ensure about own position and benefits.

Security diplomacy had been always present; however it emerged after 9/11 when terrorists brought a real challenge to whole globe. It is very diverse area especially because each government has different military capability and different goals. Security conferences usually take place behind close doors, so public is not able to receive exact in formations. Secrecy regarding to carried missions or operation has to be presents to prevent from media manipulations and failure.

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